Friday, April 16, 2010

The Tunnel

I subscribe to a daily email from Neale Donald Walsch - and just wanted to share his latest with you...
"......when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, it
is not beneficial to go out and build more tunnel.

It was John Quinton who observed that politicians do
that. Maybe you've caught yourself doing it, too. Just
when things look like they're getting better, you start
seeing more things that "aren't right," or "could go

The Universe is essentially a friendly place. So friendly,
in fact, that it will give you exactly what you expect
it to.

Isn't that wonderful? Of course, it depends on what
you expect..."

He has some gems.. and I enjoy the glimpses he gives that keep us on track! Go to his site and subscribe if you liked this one!

Have a great day


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