Sunday, June 20, 2010

One People, One World, One Heart.

The Thirteen Grandmothers conference call yesterday morning was truly awesome. As they said:
The Grandmothers of this world are shaking people awake.

Flordemayo - a frequent presenter at international conferences who since 1999 has been part of the Wisdom of the Grandmother’s Foundation spoke eloquently. Her words touched me greatly when she said:
"We are making a declaration for the rights of the earth.. she is an intelligent being and we need to hold this in our prayers."
This declaration has already been done in Brazil and we seek it for the rest of the planet. We must recognise that the planet is a living breathing Being that requires our utmost respect.

It was an incredible feeling to be linked with so many people all with one heart. Until a call like this comes through, we don't get a real sense of how many of us there are and we hear that there were over 15,000 people signed up for the call and the energy was palpable.

We were very privileged to receive significant messages from the two grandmothers who were there in person. Many of the other grandmothers had been held up or otherwise occupied with important ritual days. sweat lodges and sun dances and ceremony for the Solstice. However it gave an opportunity for the organiser of the event to open the space up to hundreds of other grandmothers on the call. Some were chosen at random to offer their prayers for the earth.

Much was said of caring for the water.. including mention that the water holds all the Earth's memories. It holds the history of our earth and can hold our intentions. We were called to pray for the courage to do what needs to be done and to very importantly to forgive each other. And Rita Long of the Lakota people invited us to become involved in our own areas in the preservation of our precious waterways and oceans.

And on that note support the Wilderness Campaign to keep big industry out of James Price Point.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

13 Indigenous Grandmothers

It's the time of the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and for us here in Oz - the winter solstice - an important time for us all. A time to gather and meet one another in our sacred spaces and take the opportunity to give healing and attention to our Mother Earth.

The Thirteen Grandmothers ...
Chosen to represent the world’s indigenous peoples, these grandmothers are a source of great wisdom and blessing, reminding us of deep spiritual truths and calling our attention to what is most important. They work together on healing our planet through prayer, ritual, community and engaged activism on pressing social and environmental concerns.

This virtual meeting of these 13 women chosen to represent the indigenous peoples, promises to be an enlightening and healing event. We need this connection and this uplift now more than ever. Join the call if you can, or sign up to listen to the download afterwards if you cannot join in person.

Here is their Mission Statement:

WE, THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF THIRTEEN INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS, represent a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children, and for the next seven generations to come. We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth and the destruction of indigenous ways of life. We believe the teachings of our ancestors will light our way through an uncertain future. We look to further our vision through the realization of projects that protect our diverse cultures: lands, medicines, language and ceremonial ways of prayer and through projects that educate and nurture our children.

As Flordemayo says (one of the grandmoters on the call) -
Humanity is at a crossroads, we can only go one way, as one can't go in two directions at the same time. We do not know what we need to do as a human species, there is only one place to go and that is into the light, as one tribe.

Be sure also to check out the trailer for the Shift Movie here

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Privilege to be Here

I was very fortunate today to spend some time working with my friend and mentor Sylvia Marina.
Sylvia is a gifted speaker and healer - and with her help I accessed some important connections for myself. Connections that showed me how essential it is to acknowledge our roots.

For Sylvia, with her Maori heritage - roots and ancestry comes close to her being. But for me as an Australian with a mixed bag of relatives and family history, ranging from Scotland to Norway and around again, my roots never quite seemed as relevant as those from the indigenous populations.

But today I was gifted a different view point.

Sylvia led me on a journey - a journey of remembrance and insight. I saw that I am standing on the shoulders of the generations of my ancestors. From this position I came to realise a deep sense of gratitude toward my family, toward the depth of the generations before me. Without whom I would not be here.

For in fact we are the pinnacle of the ancestors. All of their experiences and their love, care and nurturing and their dreams have brought us to the place that we are at today. We have an immense responsibilty given to us - in that it is our task to manifest into the world the fullness of our own being in order to thank and honour them and to realise for them their intention (conscious or not) thereby bringing forth who we are in this world today.

Honouring the ancestors is important for us all. It gives substance and meaning to our lives and a deep respect to those who have gone before.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Grassroots Healing

I had a very interesting conversation wth my friend Erin recently - she lives in Melbourne. Erin is a profoundly spiritual being with a strong affiliation with Christianity and she told me a very interesting saga.

Having just returned from a visit to her homeland, she talked about how the Chinese people were turning to self education and to self healing because the 'western' medical model was out of their range - the 80% of the Chinese population who are the 'lower clases' that is the poor people of the land, could not afford the western medicine.
So their solution is to return to the simple folk remedies, simple cures for all types of disease. Erin said that there are now many small books available for purchase for these people with the remedies of the early times - remedies that still work.

I found this a really interesting concept. If we consider that all over the western world the health system is in deep trouble - struggling to keep up, struggling to cope with the demands placed upon it.

Western medicine tied its own noose - it convinced people that they should consider the doctor to be the God and that they the humble and ignorant human being - had no responsibility for their own health. That in fact they knew nothing about the way to heal the body - mind or spirit for that matter.
The Medical doctor was God of the body, the psychiatrist God of the mind and the priest, God of the spirit.

So we obediently abdicated our responsibility and handed it over to the powers that proclaimed it was theirs.

Our current view of government is a little like that!
"They know how to do it.. let them fight it out between themselves.. it is not my responsibility!"

And now.. now that the system is falling apart.. it is time we take back that responsibilty and begin again to find where our wisdom tells us the way to balance and harmony lies.

The message is clear - taking responsibiliity for how we treat our bodies, how we nuture our minds and our spirit and how we govern ourselves in all of these respects is of utmost importance in this time of chaos and change.

It is no longer the time to permit another to dictate to us and confuse and distort the truth of how to live in a balanced and harmonious way. Move out of fear and back into the freedom of responsibility. There are many who have already paved the way - you only need to ask and those who see the clear way will step forward into your lives and assist you to join them.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Big blow for big pharma's war against vitamins

In a newsletter from What Doctors Don't Tell You - (Lynn McTaggart's newsletter) this great snippet came through.. finally a court sees sense and creates a ruling that is of value to the natural health movement.

A US district court has overturned a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) bar on a manufacturer of selenium supplements from stating that the mineral helps reduce the risk of cancer. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle upheld complaints from the Alliance for Natural Health USA and others that the FDA ban went against the First Amendment that allows free speech. She said there was credible scientific evidence to demonstrate that selenium helps protect against cancer, and so the manufacturer should be allowed to include the fact in promoting the product.

Its also of note to see that the Alliance for Natural health was the instigaator of this complaint and that their work has been upheld.

It is also of interest to note that this Alliance has has their page deleted from Wikipedia! The 'watchdogs' are at it all over the place. It is amazing that they have the time and energy to hit the natural health industry at all levels - and for what investment? I once posted a very intersting article to Wikipedia about EAV (electro-acupuncture according to Voll) with absolutely no advertising in it at all which was almost immediately deleted from the site with the comment that it was advertising!

However don't let any of this action put us off continuing to put our hands up for health freedoms and freedom of speech and information generally. These rights are so important for us. Keep standing up for them in whatever way you find possible.