Sunday, January 11, 2009

My First YouTube Video

Finally I made it.. with the help of some very good friends - Sylvia Marina and her husband David who did the videoing.
I have been on the track for some time now, and having just uploaded the video I feel totally proud of myself! silly .. but you know how it is when you actually accomplish something thht you have been wanting to do for a while? Well its done.

A YouTube broadcast about how to help yourself to rid yourself of the scourge of Candida infection - or overgrowth - that nasty fungal infection that just can cause havoc of many types in your body. Bloating, indigestion, tendency to insomnia, rashes, hormonal imbalance, mood swings, you name it.. candida can be the underlying culprit to this myriad of symptoms. Do me a favour, check out my first YouTube! and if this is by chance a problem you are experiencing then go to our Best Health website and consider doing our very effective program.

It will help you to have a clear head, better digestion, good sleep patterns and generally improved sense of well being in a fairly short space of time. and if you think it is helpful give me arating! Thank you. and good health to you all.


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