Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Privilege to be Here

I was very fortunate today to spend some time working with my friend and mentor Sylvia Marina.
Sylvia is a gifted speaker and healer - and with her help I accessed some important connections for myself. Connections that showed me how essential it is to acknowledge our roots.

For Sylvia, with her Maori heritage - roots and ancestry comes close to her being. But for me as an Australian with a mixed bag of relatives and family history, ranging from Scotland to Norway and around again, my roots never quite seemed as relevant as those from the indigenous populations.

But today I was gifted a different view point.

Sylvia led me on a journey - a journey of remembrance and insight. I saw that I am standing on the shoulders of the generations of my ancestors. From this position I came to realise a deep sense of gratitude toward my family, toward the depth of the generations before me. Without whom I would not be here.

For in fact we are the pinnacle of the ancestors. All of their experiences and their love, care and nurturing and their dreams have brought us to the place that we are at today. We have an immense responsibilty given to us - in that it is our task to manifest into the world the fullness of our own being in order to thank and honour them and to realise for them their intention (conscious or not) thereby bringing forth who we are in this world today.

Honouring the ancestors is important for us all. It gives substance and meaning to our lives and a deep respect to those who have gone before.

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