All traditional cultures recognize certain people as
natural-born mystical healers (shamans, medicine
men, pick your label). Modern Western culture
has no category for such people. But that doesn’t
mean they aren’t here. Right now, everywhere,
ordinary people born to the archetype of the
shaman are feeling compelled to begin finding one
another and fulfilling their inborn purpose.
The great challenge of the 21st century is to wage
peace on a globe full of humans while repairing the
unintended damage we’ve inflicted on ourselves,
other beings, and the earth. We need modern
shamans to channel ancient “technologies of
magic” like empathy, creativity, art, and spiritual
interconnection, through “magical technologies”
like medicine, computers, and satellites.
That marriage of ancient and cutting-edge genius can
heal hearts, minds, beasts, plants, ecosystems—
almost anything.
If you feel something stirring in your heart at the
thought that you may be shaman-born, pay
This is not an accident. Some as-yet
unexplained force is calling you join in a healing of
unprecedented scope. And though that healing
will, of course, follow the laws of science, doing it
will feel like pure magic.
Martha Beck, Ph.D., is a coach, writer, and columnist for O, the
Oprah Magazine.