here is a transcript of an email we received yesterday - it is worth our action!
We have had a flood of medical and allied students who are getting kicked out of their courses (in Australia) because they are not vaccinated. This has been an ongoing situation for the last 12 months and it is getting worse with the requirement now extending to current employees of hospitals as well as students.
AVN (Australian Vaccination Network) have a barrister who is willing to take a case to try and stop this. He is not charging us for time, but needs money for disbursements and expenses - $1,500 to start and up to $5,000 by the time this gets to court. This would normally cost between $10,000 and $15,000 so we are paying less than 10% of the normal costs - a bargain if we had the money!
We have no funds for this - or at all as this is a very hard time of year for us - but not running this case is not an option as far as I'm concerned. This is a test of our will - if we allow this to be done, we and our children will be the next victims of mandatory vaccination and, as an expat American where vaccines have been compulsory since 1978, that is a road I do NOT want to go down. I don't think you do either.
Please if you are in a position to give us a donation to fight against these draconian rules, do it now.
We accept donations by credit card by phone (02 6687 1699), FAX (02 6687 2032) or on our website -
You can also direct deposit funds into our account at the Westpac bank either by internet banking or over the counter.
The bank details are as follows:
Australian Vaccination Network Inc.
Westpac Bank - Ballina Branch
BSB number is 032 591
Account number is 188207
Leave your name as identification so we can send you a receipt!Cheque or money orders can be posted to:
PO Box 177
Bangalow NSW 2479
I am leaving it there, but please consider carefully what kind of country you want to live in and bring your children up in and how much you would spend to keep your family safe. A $25 donation from each of you will have a benefit far and away in excess of the actual cost to your pocket.
Kind regards,
Meryl Dorey,
Australian Vaccination Network
Enabling Australians to make informed health choices.
we at Best Health support this cause.